Monday, July 29, 2013

sick day...

I'm having a really hard time with something... I'm staying home from work toady... sick.

It's bothering me so badly. Why? 

Must be my ego. That damn ego...

The last time I took a day off for being sick was in high school... and I was most likely trying to avoid a test. I pride myself on being a hard worker so when I can't work I feel worthless, and that is a terrible thing to feel.

What I've learned AGAIN about myself is that it is OK to rest, to skip a beat. I have to take care of myself before I can take care of others and more so than ever with this little life growing inside of me. 

Are you taking care of yourself? When was the last time you took time off from work or life to rest and recuperate? Stress is related to 99.9% of all illness so don't let it build up. Know your body and when you need a break. As much as I do believe we all posses some type of super human power we can't always win against the common cold.

Fun side note!
My husband and I were both sick this past week. He took the typical cold medicines and because I am with child I took... NOTHING. We we're both pretty shocked to see that my recovery time was a few days quicker than his and my cough much less violent. Goes to show that sometimes letting your body do the work is more powerful. Most cold pills and cough syrups only just delay your body in its fight to get better.


  1. SO true, most meds just mask the symptoms you are going to have anyway. Hope you are both feeling up to par today! Sis

  2. Ignore that ego. Sick days are not the right time to listen to it. Surely your colleagues could see that you pride yourself on being a hard-worker; and no, don't feel horrible about yourself. Consider sick leaves as a privilege, and you've earned it. Take care! Julio @ US Health Works
