Monday, August 19, 2013

living in the moment...

Questions I'm asked on a regular basis now...
1. How are you feeling?
2. Are you ready for the baby to arrive?

In response to how I'm feeling I cannot complain. (insert knock on wood) I've had a fairly easy, breezy, pregnancy so far. I'm actually enjoying it. I get excited reading information and I'm mentally and physically preparing for a natural birth.  I feel giddy when I feel her move and for the first time in my life I feel sexy naked. (Okay.. most of the time)

Am I ready for this little monkey to arrive? Yes. I'm pumped to meet her and get to know her. Who will she look like? What color will hair be? Will she be a quirky as I am? 

My excitement for her arrival is much different then how I've anticipated things in the past. It went a little like this...
In high school all I wanted was to be in college
In college all I wanted was a big girl job 
Then I couldn't wait to get engaged
Then I couldn't wait for the wedding 

Right now, I'm enjoying the present moment. Okay, maybe I wish it was fall for the cooler weather, but in general I really am happy to be taking life one day at a time.

Every second I spend with my husband is precious. It won't be just the two of us for much longer. It actually moves me to tears thinking about how every day for more than 9 years it has just been "Brett and Sam." I'm happy to report that we're growing closer every day.

Come November, it's no longer going to be just ME... It's going to be Marley and me. I'll be a new person. A new mother. My whole world is going to be rocked and I'll be ready for it but right now I'll continue to revel in all the little moments I have by myself.

I've been traveling... a lot! While pregnant I've been to El Paso, New York, Austin, St Thomas, Columbus, Dallas, Vancouver, and in a few weeks we will top it all off with a family vacation in Naples. When we get back from Florida we plan to rest, watch a lot of television, and prepare for Marley's arrival. We won't feel rushed or panicked. We'll be ready for her.

If you have the tendency to rush through life, or hell even your work week, stop and take a pause. We only get so many days here on Earth. Let's not wish them by quickly. Tomorrow will bring something new and exciting no doubt, but what can you discover about today?

living in the moments...
Mel and I sweating it out at Ride in Austin, TX

Mama Hal and I met up in NYC

#couplesretreat with the Searcys in St Thomas, USVI

Brett and I in Vancouver, BC

Em's wedding in El Paso, TX