Wednesday, January 16, 2013

you are what you are...

“You don't need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are!”

John Lennon

Its funny how we package ourseleves up into tiny boxes and stow them away on the top shelves of that closet in our house full of other boxes we don't feel like unpacking... Ever.

The other day, my husband made a comment that reminded me of just how often we affix labels to ourselves and believe that is who we are. How limiting is that behavior?

We were talking about music and I was putting together my marathon playlist when Brett said that he likes a lot of music that "doesn't really fit who he is."  I asked, "who are you that you can't like that type of music?"

::Insert little light bulb moment here::

When we find ourselves thinking "People may be surprised to know ____ (fill in the blank) about me," we really ought to be asking why don't they already know it?

Don't be afraid to show your true colors. Be proud. Music for example, is a form of expression not only of the artist but of those who listen and appreciate it as well.

Be whoever. Say whatever. And never hide who you are.

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