Sunday, December 16, 2012

alone time... make some...

I've recently re-discovered what happens when you don't take time out of your day to focus on yourself. It seems to be one of those things that happens during busy, chaotic times in our lives. A lesson that moving forward I'm committed to being more aware of. 

When you don't take time to take care of yourself... you can't be your best self. It's been a gradual build up over the past month or two where I've been throwing myself into work, saying "yes" to everything, really focusing on others, and feeling responsible for the happiness of everyone around me. But where does that leave me? I'm tired, over caffeinated, under trained for my upcoming marathon, behind on Christmas shopping, and I haven't had a hair cut since January. #rallyhair

I am a leader in all aspects of my life. I just need a little reboot to start leading myself again. I don't believe in the phrase, "there isn't enough time in the day." Make time. I'm learning that it's OK to tell my husband I need a couple of hours on my Sunday to be alone and do whatever it is I want to do. I'm learning that it's OK to not work every single day (what kind of example am I setting for my team by working all the time?) And I'm learning to set more powerful goals that will get me to be living the life I know I'm capable of having.

No harm has been done. Just another great lesson in balance for me...

Where are you making time for yourself TODAY?

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