Friday, October 12, 2012

Our bodies don't always need as much food as our mind tells us. #fact

It's amazing. I'm doing something that I let myself believe wasn't possible to do again.

It's been a little over three weeks since I radically changed my diet and focused on only eating clean, whole foods, and eating with portion control being top of mind.

The first couple weeks we're pretty tough. I was tired and got a little "hangry" around 5pm everyday. It wasn't my body that was hungry though. It was my mind. I was so used to stuffing myself full of fatty, sugar filled sweets and heavy caloric pastas and breads that I would literally go into a food coma every night. Similar to a drug or alcohol addiction I needed those bad foods to "feel good."

Well... I've finally broken free of that mentality.  At first my body was in total shock. "What the hell are you doing to me?" Then week three rolled around and my workouts got easier, my skin was glowing, and I'm waking up every morning to a delightfully decreasing number on the scale! I can hear my body thanking me every minute of every day and I respond with a swift, "you're welcome!"

I've had so much support over the past three weeks. From friends, family, and my husband. I'd even say that my dog, Google, is happier because that little girl has been getting a lot of leftover chicken and apple slices. She seems to have no problem supporting me in my weight loss journey.

I'm sharing because my mission and goal in life is to help people understand that they can have/do/be anything they want. I probably overuse this but almost 4 years ago I couldn't run a mile and now I'm training for my 5th full 26.2! I've lost 30lbs before and I can do it again. In fact, I'm DOING IT NOW. As of this morning I've lost 20lbs from clean eating and portion control. I'm getting sexy back, people!

Our bodies don't always need as much food as our mind tells us. #fact

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