Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 140 of 365...

I'm nearing the half way mark for my 365 day challenge to eat something green every day. I'm actually falling in LOVE with vegetables! There have been nights when I have had a hard time deciding between which green to prepare with dinner. This past week, we enjoyed a zuchinni crust pizza and my hubs and I loved it!

I have been missing out! For 27 years, I didn't care for the stuff. If I could turn something I disliked so much into something I crave what else am I capable of? Maybe I should start a 365 day of reading challenge... anyone?

Below are a couple more easy wasys to incorporate your greens into your daily meals and don't forget to use #everydaygreen to share your green goodies!

Zucchini Pasta

I bought this radical little kitchen gadget that shreds veggies into spiral shapes so I can easily replace zuchinni or carrots for pasta. Its simple to use and much easier (and quicker!) than using my mandolin. Top with sauce of your choice and if you're feeling devilish add a little cheese on top. You're cutting a ton of calories and carbs so a little cheese is OK in my book!


I've rediscovered quinoa and how great it goes with just about everything. I'll satueed spinach, zucchini, green peppers, jalepenos, broccoli, ANYTHING and toss it a bowl with a serving of quinoa.


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