Thursday, October 24, 2013

mile 24...

A good friend of mine reminded me today that I'm very close to the finish line. That finish line being the birth of our first child.

It's no secret I love running marathons. I've got the jogging stroller ready to go complete with baby aviators for Marley. Yes, Babiators exist and I highly recommend giving them as a gift to any pregnant runner you know!

I am not a competitive runner. I run for fun and I run to beat my own personal best. I thought I would be running up until the day I gave birth but my body had other plans. Very early on in my pregnancy running became uncomfortable. One day, I was running sprints, nailed an 8 minute mile and felt amazing! The next day I was crying because my body couldn't keep up with my mind.

I had to choose to give up feeling sorry for myself and stop comparing myself to all the other women I know who ran effortlessly throughout their pregnancies. A few months later I've realized that being pregnant is a lot like running a marathon. You have ups and down. When you near the end you start doubting that there is an actual finish line. You have to manage your energy and know your limits. You have to stay positive!

I have genuinely loved being pregnant. It has made me so much more self aware. I have a new respect for my body and I've fallen even more in love with my husband. Every movement I feel is the most exciting feeling I've ever had. There is a baby in there!!! I swear I've pinched myself before just to be sure I'm living in reality.

At 38 weeks this week, I wasn't feeling like myself. My feet were very swollen and I felt like they may explode! I had some slightly abnormal labs and my doctor put me on bed rest just to be safe. Uh, what?! I am a very energetic being. When I heard those two words together I started crying. Last week, I was still rocking it out on my feet at work for 6-7 hours a day. Last Thursday, my husband came home to find me hand washing my own car. Bed rest? No, thank you! I got this!

I have learned, however, that this is exactly what I needed. Being off my feet has given me a chance to slow down and appreciate where I am right now. I have just a few short weeks (maybe!) of being alone with myself, my husband, and my dog Google and I want to make the most of it.

This is the point in the marathon where you have to dig deep and quiet the inner chatter that has begun telling you that you will never finish. You have just ran 23 or 24 miles. One or two should be easy... but they are the hardest.

I am doing exactly what I do in my races at this point in my pregnancy. I'm visualizing the finish, filling myself full of positive thoughts, and "walking through the water station" at mile 24 to fuel up for the final 2.2 mi of the race.

I'm close to crossing the best finish line of my life... and the reward is going to be amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Samantha! I'm in the Joy Yoga prenatal group and happy to find another pregnant Houston blogger (and another running blogger!!) to connect with :) I am also 38 weeks. We are so close! That finish line is just around the corner.
