Thursday, September 5, 2013

218 days...

I've been pregnant for 218 days... and last night sh*t got real.

Last week we attended childbirth class with a local doula and last night night we toured the hospital. That's right! We're having a baby in 9 weeks! Walking the halls of the hospital made it so real. This is happening.

It's such an exciting time. It's also pretty scary. We are venturing unknown waters. All we can do is prepare ourselves as best we can and know that everything will be OK, and probably better than OK.

My goal is to have an intervention free, natural hospital birth. No drugs, no epidural. This will be the absolute most physically and mentally challenging goal I'll probably ever take on... AND I'M SO EXCITED.

I'm getting a lot of advice that I should however, prepare for the worst case scenario, so that I'm not completely devastated if my vision of birth can't play out the way I plan. I get that and totally respect that. In the end I know that my doctor and my body will know what needs to happen to get her out safely but I'm stubborn...

I'm preparing for our baby's arrival in a similar way I prepare for marathons. I envision myself at the finish line. I plan for the BEST. I'm mediating daily, practicing prenatal yoga, holding squats and warriors twos for what feels like an absurd amount of time. I'm reading books on birth (see list below.) I'm talking about my fears with my husband and we're squashing them. I've even created my mantra for when I feel like quitting... "I am doing it."

Do you hold yourself back from going for your really big goals by preparing for the worst? Prepare for what you WANT. Don't hold back. GO FOR IT. If you fail at least then you will know did everything you could and you won't have regrets.

I'll be sure to report back in approximately 62 days and let you know how it all goes. I'm going for it!

Books I'm reading:
Natural Hospital Birth by Cynthia Gabriel
HypnoBirthing by Marie F. Mongan
Active Birth by Janet Balaskas
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Rhonda Wheeler

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