Monday, February 6, 2012

complicating the choices i make to reach my goal

Do the following exercise out loud (seriously):
1.       Spell STOP
2.       What do you do at a green light?

1.       Spell JOKE
2.       What is the white part of an egg called?
Aha! Did I get you? Do you see what mistake you made? Why do you think you answered the second part incorrectly? It’s OK. Most people do. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Let’s analyze it for a moment. Our immediate answers were wrong because we didn’t take the time to think it through. As humans, we often walk around on auto-pilot. We don’t mean to be oblivious but we are. Have you ever driven someplace and arrived at your destination and been like “uhhh, how did I get here?” Or gone through your work day and come home to “Hunny, how was work?” and you have no response? My favorite is reading a single page in a book five times and still not knowing what the hell it said.
I can easily apply this to the way I’ve been eating for the past year. I don’t slow down to think about what I’m putting in my body. I mostly eat for instant gratification. If you ask me what I ate for lunch yesterday I may not even remember, which tells me I probably didn’t think much to plan it out or care at all about the product I was consuming. Instant gratification is what got me to where I am now. My goal is to feel in control of how I am taking care of my mind and body, but how can I do that if I’m not conscious of the decisions I make?
Moving forward from this day, in regards to food I am committing to “feeling whole” by making the right food choices for my body. This means I will need to complicate my thought process and slow it down by asking myself “is this going to get me into my skinny jeans?” “Will this make me feel whole and satisfied?” By tripping myself up and slowing down before I decide to eat or drink something I’ll make it harder for myself to eat unhealthy.
Making smart food choices + exercise= weight loss and that is NOT a complicated thought.

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