Saturday, March 1, 2014

59 of 365...


This month I feel in love with broccoli! It's so easy to steam! Literally, toss it in a pan with a little water and cover it for maybe 5 minutes to steam and toss on your plate as a side. OR check out that photo to the left... OMG. "Broccoli cakes," as we now call them at my house, were a huge hit. Check out the recipe hereHere's a look into my month. I stopped relying on juice to get in the good stuff and had more fun cooking my greens!

2.1: celery, cucumber, spinach, romaine, kale, parsley, wheat grass, clover sprouts
2.2: strawberry greens, green pepper, jalapeño
2.3:  kale, collard greens, cucumber, chlorella, spirulina, green peas
2.4:kale, collard greens, cucumber, chlorella, spirulina, green peppers, green onion
2.5: kale, spinach, celery
2.6: green pepper, zucchini, kale, spinach, celery, avacado
2.7: green pepper, romaine
2.8: kale, spinach, celery , mixed greens
2.9: spinach
2.9: spinach
2.10: spinach
2.11: green beans
2.12: strawberry greens
2.13: hatch chillies
2.14: broccoli
2.15: avocado, green chillies, broccoli
2.16: celery
2.17: romaine
2.18: kale, spinach, cucumber , lemon grass, romaine
2.19: romaine, green peppers
2.20: broccoli
2.21: zucchini
2.22: arugula, mixed greens, romaine
2.23: broccoli, zucchini
2.24: peas, zucchini, green peppers
2.25: broccoli
2.26: jalapeño
2.27: Bibb lettuce, zucchini
2.28: green peppers,broccoli

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