Tuesday, October 22, 2013

you can do anything...really!

The homepage of Google today is celebrating the 216th anniversary of the first parachute jump. Why not? Without that first jump there would be millions of people who may never have gotten the chance to do something outrageous! Those jumps not only satisfied a real scary bucket list item but they inspired people to go off and do even BIGGER things than jumping off of cliffs and out of airplanes!

I have never jumped off a cliff or out of an airplane. Friends who have describe it as if they can now take on anything life throws at them head first.

I get that! I can relate it to running a marathon. When you finish a marathon you honestly feel like you can do ANYTHING. It generates a confidence that can't be beat out of you. You put your mind to something and you did it. Finishing my first, taught me the power of my words. I don't say "I can't" anymore because I know it isn't true. I can... and I will if I so choose.

Accomplishing goals... however big or small gives you a sense that you can accomplish more. So write them down and go out and DO.

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