Monday, February 20, 2012

go further than you think you can...

“Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try and be better than yourself.” –William Faulkner
Saturday, I spent several hours taking new types of yoga that I’ve never experienced at the Texas Yoga Conference. I sang, I chanted, I took breath that I didn’t know I was able to. My authentic self came out on the mat and emotions rose that we’re hidden deep down inside of me. As a result I left the conference feeling lighter, more connected to myself and those around me, friends and strangers alike. I also left with very sore muscles.
Sunday, I ran 18 miles with my running partner Blake. After hours of yoga the day before my legs felt like heavy cement blocks. It was hard to keep my head up. My back ached, my feet were cramping. But we did it.
Today, I wanted to sleep in and rest my body, but I got myself out of bed and headed to a hot yoga class with my community. I’m so glad I did. By pushing myself a little more I was able to work through my soreness and feel better about myself. While this sounds so simple (getting up and going to a yoga class) it was actually a big step for me. I realize I haven’t been pushing myself as much as I know I could be… in all aspects of my life.
My yoga instructor today, whom I love, respect, and admire, shared something that really clicked for me. As we were in down dog he told us to look forward to our hands, but further than we usually do. When we only shoot for what we think we can achieve we’re actually stunting our real potential. Look further, aim higher and you may surprise yourself.
I immediately thought about my goals. Am I setting them SMALL because I fear that I won’t be able to reach them? Or am I setting them BIG because I’m living in possibility of reaching them? Think of a goal you have. Can you take it a step further? Ask yourself this question with every goal you have. Maybe you have a blog and want to increase your readership. How many followers do you want? Do you want 500 or 1000? (Duh, you want 1000!) Don’t pick 500 because you are not sure if you can reach 1000. Shoot for 1000 and see what you get J
In my current role with my company, I’ve worked with a lot of people on development of themselves and others. What I notice in most (myself included) is that we are constantly comparing ourselves to others and we’re not confident in our abilities to be our own strong leader. Can I fill those shoes? Can I run this store? Can I be better than my predecessor? Of course you can! You just need to believe and work on developing yourself instead of dwelling on what you don’t have and envy about others. That never gets us anywhere.
The Faulkner quote above is an excellent reminder for us all to realize that we are not limited by anyone or anything besides ourselves. The possibilities for us are endless if we are open to them. Dream BIG, go BIG. You are not confined to sitting in a cubicle all day. You don’t have to be overweight anymore. You CAN run a marathon if you want.  It may be scary, and you’ll probably fall on your face a few times, but you’ll be DOING things you didn’t think you could. Be inspired to be YOU. You’re living in an endless ocean of possibility. What can you create?

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